Capturing Winter's Magic: Sweetening Fiero's E-commerce with a Minimalist and Informative Navigation.
Fiero is a winter-focused fashion brand that provides comfort and warmth for those traveling to cold destinations. Their mission is to highlight the magic of winter, showcasing beautiful landscapes, delicious foods, and memorable experiences. As they say in their community, the Winter's Travellers: "Life is a unique journey."
The redesign encountered two primary challenges. The first issue was cultivating a desire for the product among users, a critical element that needed improvement in the previous website. As a fashion brand, it was essential to enhance both the visibility and appeal of the products to attract potential customers effectively.
The second challenge involved informing and assisting consumers in selecting appropriate products, considering the varying types of cold weather and respective circumstances. For example, a coat suitable for travel to a location with mild snowfall at sub-zero temperatures should differ from one intended for an area characterized by heavy snowfall or temperatures above freezing.
As UX/UI Designer and leader of the design team in this project, I focused on bringing creative solutions for both problems and guaranteeing a light, informative, and minimalist user journey.
The right combination of features highlights products and relates necessary information for the users.
Throughout the user flow, we highlighted and educated users about the products. That way, they could choose the right clothes for the proper necessity.
All product cards contain essential information, such as the minimum weather conditions recommended, the level of snow the product can support, and any unique technology integrated into the fabric. This content helps users save time by quickly determining which product best fits their needs without visiting individual product pages.
However, we also created some features on the product page where people can easily see what types of uses the brand recommends for which product, easing the decision too.
Fiero's was a great experience as a UX/UI Designer because I challenged myself to balance important information with minimalist layouts that enhanced the product's appeal and achieved the project's primary goal.